Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Talent +

I don’t know how to start talking about an amazing day I spent in Lincoln. The first thing I should do is, thank Lina Traslaviña for taking the time to schedule us a wonderful job shadowing day at Talent Plus. I also have to thank Andres Traslaviña, for taking the afternoon off his busy schedule to be with LeAnn, Herbert and I. I couldn’t ask for a better job shadowing, I learned so much about this company that I am thinking about working for them when I graduate from college. That is if I get the opportunity to work there, with wonderful people who love to their job.
I know that I have asked couple of people and I have search in the internet to find out what International Business is really about? But no one can answer the question for me. Actually it was perfectly answered to me on Monday at Talent+. This business has changed my view about what I want to do when I get older. The people who talked to us helped me out a lot. I now understand the job of an International Business person. I learned a lot from the different people I met that day. Andres, we thought me a lot. When I say a lot I mean it. When he had us fill out the six question worksheet that is called Focus on You. At first I was like, this is very simple thing to do but as I got into it I was like well never mind. The six were name? What do I get paid to do? Hot buttons? Best Successes: 1 professional/ 1 Personal? What I do best? Goals 1 professional/ 1 Personal? The question got to me, I did not know what to write down at first but then I was like okay this will be easier if I just put what comes to my mind first and I did. But questions like this get people thinking at different levels. Levels that they might have not known that they existed, but know they do. That is the beauty of this business that they want to get deep into your life before they take the time to hire you. Andres also took to the time to introduce us to very important people in the office. I thought that was fun and interesting getting to know other people that one day they could help you out. I could go on about other thing that Andres talk to us about but I want to also give credit to other people. Chi Cher I thought was a very unique person he is from Singapore and he is the Talent Plus business learning more about himself and how to work better with others and how to help them make there business better. I love his accent I thought that it brought out where he came from. And not a lot of people can do that. He works with hotels in Asia. Julius is also from Singapore and he does sort of the something that Chi Cher does but they are both unique in there own ways. They are both very interesting people to get know and I am sure they would had helped us answered all the question with had about the Talent Plus. Charlotte was a very funny lady I loved how she interact with us. The job that she has a Talent Plus is a very important job to the company and the employees. I have to say that Herbert got the most out of the talk we had with charlotte because he was the one that was more into wanting to be psychologist. That to me sounds like way too much science something that I do not like.
Over all I had a great day at Talent Plus one thing that everyone that talked to us told us to do what we want in life and to make sure that we love the job we are in. Some people hate there job, but the people at Talent Plus love to be there doing what they love to do they all had smiles on there faces. I did not see a person who was like I am ready to get off work and go home. No I did not see that. I thought that was something that you don’t see very often. Thank you Talent Plus for giving me the opportunity to open new doors in my future. I also for got to mention that Talent Plus has an office in Singapore, Asia and they are in the process of opening one in Latin America. I hope they keep growing and making a difference in a lot of people’s minds and also in the businesses.
Thank you once again Lina and Andres to give this great opportunity to see a great place like this.

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